M.A. in Teaching & Learning with Technology


EDU 697 Week 1 Discussion

     According to Ellison & Wu (2008), blogs, among other educational technologies, are well suited for the learning environment for a variety of reasons.  "The "read/write" functionality of blogging, wherein readers are encouraged to comment on blog posts and thus become part of an evolving,
public discussion, 'is a primary reason behind blogging's popularity and is what differentiates it from other earlier forms of online interaction tools used by instructors, such as closed, threaded discussions" (Ellison & Wu, 2008.pg.105).  Additionally, blogging and other, technologies are changing traditional communication and learning patterns in the classroom. For example, the participatory and decentralized structure of blogging supports student-centered learning.  Instead, the technology enhanced learning environment is recalibrating communication patterns so that knowledge-sharing is increasingly student-to-student and student-to-instructor (opposed to instructor-to-student).
     Currently in my fifth grade classroom, we are using a combination of several accessible educational technologies including weblogs, social media, wikis, and QR codes.  However, we focus a great deal on writing.  According to Ellison & Wu (2008), "blogging exposes students to a wider
audience for their writing" (p.106), and with the further integration of education technologies, students might engage more carefully to, not only writing opportunities, but communication, collaboration and creative opportunities.  Ellison & Wu (2008) provide several suggestions to guide the use of technology in support of learner achievement.  For example the use of educational technologies and "convenience of the medium, the less formal writing voice it encouraged,
and the interactivity inherent in the assignment, specifically reading other
students' ideas and getting feedback on their own" (p.115). This can be accomplished through the combination of technologies I am currently using in my classroom.

Ellison, N. & Wu, Y. (2008).  Blogging in the Classroom: A Preliminary Exploration
of Student Attitudes and Impact on Comprehension.  Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia17.1 (2008): 99-122.  Retrieved from ProQuest Database on April 28, 2016.


EDU 651 - The Blogging Experience
Dr. Kanai,
Overall my blogging experience has been extremely pleasant, relevant and exceptionally fun!  My students love it and I thoroughly enjoy the time I put into my blog.  Setting up and maintaing a blog is easy and fast.  I can post a quick project, or I can add pictures, links, videos or documents for a more in-depth and complex blog post.  You can see a couple of different blog posting I've done for my fifth grade class this school year on the home page.  I truly believe blogging and/or simply having access to well planned and informative blog can benefit students in so many ways.

EDU 649 Powtoon Introduction
Watch Now

How to post to Google Classroom

EDU 656 Introduction

This page is designated specifically for Mrs. Danks' Masters Degree in Teaching and Learning with Technology coursework.  On this page you will find posts and assignments for research and learning objectives purposes.  Feel free to read and comment in support of furthering my education and professional development as the best teacher I can be!

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