Wednesday, January 13, 2016

American Revolution QR Codes

Scan these QR codes with your QR code scanner app on your iPad.  After reviewing the information about the American Revolution, answer the questions in a new Google Doc.  After completing all QR codes and questions, upload your Google Doc answer sheet to Google Classroom.

Washington Crossing the Delaware

1)  If this were an Instagram photo what #hashtag would you put on it?
2)  Using the picture as clues answer the following questions:
a.  When (time of year) did Washington and his troops cross the Delaware River?
b.  Why do you think they crossed when they did?

Ride of Paul Revere

1)  Using the awesome really cheesy rap song as a reference tell me what Paul Revere did to help the Continental Army? (you may have to infer)
2)  Why is the ride of Paul Revere, and other minutemen, significant?

Battle of Bunker Hill

1)  Bunker Hill was a spot chosen to be an army base. Why do you think the Redcoats want to have control of the Hill?
2)  Which group had more casualties (deaths and injuries)  the Redcoats or  the Continental Army?

Battles of Lexington
and Concord

1)  What happened at Lexington and Concord?
2)  Why were the Battles of Lexington and Concord significant (important or memorable)?
3)  Why do you think the British Soldiers retreated (left the battle)?

Battle of Yorktown

1)  Reminder about a vocabulary word: Ally- somebody to fight wars and battles with. From the reading infer who the Ally of the Continental Army is?
2)  Why do you think the more powerful, richer, larger, more experienced, and highly trained Redcoats would surrender to the little brother country, the United States?

Battle of Saratoga
1)  The Battle of Saratoga is when the war between the Redcoats and the Continental Army started to change winners. Please summarize what happened at the Battle(s) of Saratoga and how the winning streak started to change.

2)  Why do you think the Battle of Saratoga is significant?