Saturday, February 6, 2016

Blogging for our American Revolution Project

For the last few weeks in P3, we've been using educational technology to investigate causes and effects of the American Revolution.  Using our iPads, we've assessed key people of the war, and compare and contrast American Revolution era pictures, battles and events.  Some of the educational technology tools we've explored with include QR codes, web quests, and a handful of iPad applications for collecting and organizing our research efforts.  Now, it's time to BLOG!!

Blogging is easy!  You might remember our first experience with our Narrative Writing critical thinking question.  You were asked to respond to a blog post - but that was just the beginning!  As we delve deeper and deeper into blogging, you will become more familiar with the process of blogging, the benefits of blogging and the importance of always using and applying what you know about how to write (capitalization, punctuation, sentence structure, ect.) when blogging!

If you're feeling like you're not quite ready to blog and need to gather more information on the American Revolution, click the link below the picture below to play the Speed Match game.  Good luck and let's get ready to blog!!!

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