Tuesday, February 9, 2016

STEP 7 - Blog about your American Revolution Project

Choose ONE of the critical thinking questions below and respond in the comment box.  YOU MUST HAVE CAPITALS, PERIODS, PROPER PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR.  To receive full credit for this assignment, you will need to restate the question in your answer. Remember to attach your name to your comment.

Critical Thinking Questions
1.  Considering the causes of the American Revolution, do you think something like the American Revolution could happen in our world today?  Why or Why not?

2.  You have been researching all about a famous person from the American Revolution (you chose this person as part of your homework on January 25).  If you were alive then, would you have been friends with him/her?  Why or why not?  Give reasons to support your answer.

3.  Many people worked together to create the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  Do you think these documents could have been created without compromise? Who were the people who collaborated to create such important events in our history and what was the ultimate result?


  1. I think that something like thr American Revolution could happen because if Trump becomes president it could be the American Revolution all over again because Trump is cruel, unfair, insults women, and I think that he wants to start slavery again because he sure acts like it. -Thomas Skipper

  2. Yes because they can start a War like back in the day when there were a lot of wars.

  3. I think that something like the American Revolution could happen today due to the fact that there are still some continents that are mad at America, but there are some continents that America is mad at like Iraq and other places where terrorists lerk. The terrorism that people caused can lead to another American Revolution. Some examples of terrorism include 9-11 and the Paris attack. This is a subject that we should start thinking about due to the fact we need to be ready if there is another American Revolution. This concludes my anwser on if something like the American Revolution coul happen today.

    1. MATTHEW - how could we prepare for, or be ready, for something like the American Revolution? Could we better educate ourselves or others??

    2. We could prepare for, or be ready for something like the American Revolution by learning how we can help agents the war and providing the army with better weapons. We can better educate ourselves and others by teaching adults and kids how to fight agents the terrorist and how we can survive on our own. Also, kid need to know basic life skill to survive another invasion of terror.
      Matthew Yeakle

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  5. Yes,becouse we can have bad wars and not very much food like the American Revolutions.

  6. A war similar to the American Revolution could happen in our world today. In the United States we have a ruler, the president. The president could pass a law that can be identical to a law that caused the American Revolution, such as the tax act. If that did happen, then mowing the people today, citizens would rebel. In conclusion, an "American Revolution" in the world we live in today.

  7. I chose question 2. If I were alive then I would be friends with her because she was a great leader. She was a great leader because she lead all of the people on cannon duty. This ifs why I would be friends with her.- Braeden Mckee

  8. I think something that was like the American Revolution could happen today, because us Americans use water to much it becomes wasteful, and other people in the world need all that water we waste. Also, Us Americans waste WAY to much food. While people starve, were stuffed with food and water. There are many other reasons, but those are two of the reasons why the American Revolution could start again. - Kiana Myers

  9. A war similar to the American Revolutionary War could happen any day in our life. In our country we have a president or the ruler. The president could change the way we live in many different ways.

  10. If I was alive back then I would want to be friends with Abigal Adams becouse I think she would be really nice. She could help me with any problems I had. We could hang out together.

  11. 1. Yes, because there can still be conflict and fighting that people want to have war. Sometimes people also want war for the civil of rights or maybe even what they disagree on. Or to see who's right. Also, it could start again if people might want peace in this world or more peace.

    2. Yes because Paul revere is a very good role because obviously he helped a lot of people from the contential army hurting them and he is very smart and he might be able to teach me things that might of happened along time ago or tell me about hiself and I could know about what people did back then or why people were so combative.

    3. No, because how would they be able to come up with a lot of good ideas to write down or would if someone with good grammar was there,but they wouldn't have good grammar if they didn't have him/her. The people were Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin that created the declaration of independence and ended up really good and changed the worlds rights and rules.

  12. I have consider the cuase of the American Revolution because America felt like even though they were on different land that they should not still be control by Great Britain.yes because we are in a war with Iraq and they want to contral America.Question 2.If I knew George washtion I would be friends with him because he had a great vision of wining the war for independence and I would also want independence.Qustion 3 no they would not have to compromise neither becuse thiar would no one for them to worry about while making it.the people are the people who made the Declaration of Independence :Thomas Jefferson,Benjamin Franklin,roger Sherman ,John Adams,Robert r Livingston ,and George washtion

  13. I have to say that the American Revolution because America felt like even though they were on a different land that should not be control by Britain.Yes because we are in war with Iraq control America . Question 2 . New Ben Franklin be his friend to won war with him for the Independence with him and win wars. Question 3 no because they can win war but they lass war to . So they Try to win wars but they loss the 3 wars.

  14. Kricket De Loriea
    I am answering number 1) Yes I think there could be another American Revolution do to political reasons, taxes, prices of certain objects, people crossing borders or a president could endorse a law similar to the one that started the American Revolution.
    This is my answer to question 1.

  15. Marissa
    If I was alive during the American Revolution I probably would not have been friends with Abigail Adams because I would have been too busy working as a seamstress sewing clothing and things for the soiliders fighting in the war.

  16. I believe that another American Revolution would be able to happen to do the fact of taxes being raised and or illegal Immigrants attacking. I say this because the people may not quite appreciate the way we do things.

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  18. I think the American Revolution can happen again because if there was a new president he can declaring war and the amarican revolution can start again

  19. I think the American Revulution could happen again because if there's a new president that wants it to happen again he can declare it. Dustin

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  21. I am going to answer question #2. If I lived back then, I would want to be friends with John Adams. I would want to be friends with him because I think it would be cool to be friends with John Adames. Also, it would also be fun to be friends with him. It would be an honor to be friends with the president. That is why I would love to be friends with the president.

  22. No, I think that there wouldn't be able to make it

  23. Question 1 ~ I think it could and couldn't happen.I think it could because states are still mad at America today.I think it couldn't happen because they fought and fought and some reasons were for land and they had to fight for land.They couldn't just buy land like we can today. So today they could just buy land and not have to fight for land. They fought for many different things so I also think it could happen this day .
    Averie markley

  24. I am answering question 2. If I lived back then I would want to be friends with Sybil Ludington. I would want to be friends with her because I would want to be friends with someone who saved lives. Also, we could work with each other, and help each other through hard times. Maybe I could of helped her save lives and been famous with her. I would love to have a friend that was caring and saved lives.

  25. I would be friends with Paul Revere because he could discount silver items, engravings, supplies, and copper rolls. Also, you could have relations with John Hancock and Samuel Adams because Paul saved them from being captured by the British. The last reason is you could learn every skill that Paul has learned.

  26. The question I'm answering is question one, I think that there could be another American revolution. I mean not everyone is at peace. There could still be conflicts over rights also civil rights,or disagreement. Also a fight to see who is right, Also for peace or world peace.
    So there could be another American revolution.
    By: Shelby Johansen (Blue crew)

  27. I think that another American Revolution could happen in a world like today. Considering that there are more technological advances in military weapons, the war would be extremely brutal with mass murder. It might happen over land, rights, civil rights, and accusations.

  28. I am doing qustion two. I would like to spend time with George Washington. One reason why I would like to spend time and be his friend is he seems very interesting and it kind of sounds fun. Another reason is that I want to learn some things he did back then and Lenard more about him. Last reason why I would be friends with George Washington is that he seemed very interesting to me and I want to learn a lot more.

  29. I think that a war like the American Revolution could happen because of Isis or because of North Korea. I think that Isis could start a war like the American Revolution because of what they are doing in Iraq. Also, it could be North Korea because they have been doing nuclear testing - Jacob Owens (White Team)

  30. I think that something similar to the American Revoloution could happen because people could still be arguing on some rights that happen today and those causes could lead to a second American Revoloution in today's time. Also, there are still people who are not treated equal and right, so that could be another Revoloution coming up. In conclusion, my opinion is that there could be another American Revoloution due to Unfair people and Unfair laws. By Anna Jones #12W

  31. I feel the from previous events that another american revolution can not happen because americans have freedom and I know that we resolved the fight to come to an end and all of the states to be united and thats why I feel that the states can not have another American revolution.

  32. I do not feel like something like the Revolutionary War could happen today because life is not the same as it used to be. For example, back then you were allowed to carry firearms around town. Now if you even own one you have to have a permit and it must be contained in a locked box.

  33. I don't think a revolutionary war could like back then because it is not like back in the day. For example,back the you were aloud to carry firearms around town. Now if you even own one you have to have a permit.

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  35. The question I'm answering is 2, yes I would be friends with Deborah Sampson because I would want to be friends with some on who is brave and clever. I would be so surprised to here about her disguising herself as a man to fight in the Revolutionary War.

  36. I don't think that something like the Revolutionary war could happen again because this isn't like back then when this war really happened.For example,us Americans have the freedom to practically do what we chose,and if we have a disagreement with another state or country,I think we are smart enough to resolve our problems instead of choosing to have another war.

  37. I would be friends with Debra Samhain because she was a spy for 2 years.She was discord that she was a female.She was a amazing person I'm surprised to know that she died of yellow fever.

  38. The question I'm answering is 2, yes I would be friends with Deborah Sampson because I would want to be friends with someone who is so brave and clever to disguise herself as a man to fight in the American Revolution. It makes her important because she was the first woman to fight in the war and women were not allowed to fight in the war.

  39. I don't think something like the American Revolution can happen again because we can't go to war when ever we want but back then you could but you had to have a leader.now we can't because the president tells us when to go to war.

  40. i dont think something like the american revolution can hapen now because back then pople were not free.But now there free.So there for it will not happen agen

  41. I would be friends with him because he is vary smart and he created electricity and he could teach me that stuff.

  42. I will be friends with Betsy Ross because I love her work when she made the first American flag. If I were her I will make a bigger and better flag. I like her because she did so much in her life and made the first American flag.

  43. Considering the causes of the American Revolution, I do think something like the American Revolution could start today because even though it is not likely to happen. Today our government and the government of another country could have a disagreement and eventually that could turn into war.

  44. If I was alive for the American Revaluation I would have been friends with Nathen Hale because we could have each other's back. I believe that Nathen Hale is the most heroic person I now because he voluntarily crossed British lines to spy and gather British intelligence; but most of all he's my leader because his last words before being executed on September were, " I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country! " I wish that he would've been able to get back home to his family instead of being hung by the British.

    1. I believe that he meant if he could have two lives he would use them to protect his country and his freedom!

  45. If I were alive when Nathen Hale was alive I would have been his friend because he played a big role in the American Revolution. His role was to spy on the British and to gather British intelligence.

  46. Yes I do think that another American Revalution would happen again if Hillary Clinton got voted president,the whole world would be messed up. I think that slavery would be possible again. She would make so much dumb laws that we would want a war against her.


    -Ryann Leisch

  47. 2) If I were alive when Ben Franklin was alive I would probably be friends with him because he helped the people write the American Revolution. And I would probably helped with them write it too!

  48. I would be friends with George Washington because he could lead an entire army if needed and I would like to learn more about him.like how stressful was when he had to lead an army what were the battles like.

  49. If I were alive when Paul Revere was alive I would be his friend because he could put me in the news and he was a hero who saved people. He was also a nice guy who played a big role in the American Revolution.

  50. I would be friends with George Washington because how was the first president of the United States.Also he was a chief commander in the American Revolution. That's why I want George Washington as my freind

  51. Yes the American Revolution could happen again. If a lot of people disagree with the rules and laws the President makes, they could go to war against our government and try to form a new government for them.
    Matthew Siragusa

  52. Trent answering Q3: Yes I would because I would choose to help or be in the war during that time maybe to support George Washington. Or, I would fight against Britain to get the freedom that my family would need or just to get peace and loyalty.

  53. In the American Revolution I would enjoy to be friends with George Washington. I would enjoy to be friends with George Washington due to the fact that he was a huge part of history and a important part as well. Another reason why I would want to be his friend is he could teach me a lot more than I already know.

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  56. Yes I would because I would choose to help or be in the war during that time maybe to support George Washington. Or, I would fight against Britain to get the freedom that my family would need or just to get peace and loyal

  57. I think that the declaration could not have been written without compromise. This is because it took many days with five people working on it. If only one person was working on it it would never have been finished. The five people who wrote the Declaration of Independence were Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, John Adams, and Robert Livingston. The unlimited result of the Declaration of Independence was freedom from Britain.

  58. Yes, I do think something like the American Revolution could happen in our world today. Because not all people agree right now in the U.S. There is some conflict with freedom and rights so people could mad or worked up over that and declare war or maybe a bigger event than war like the American Revolution. So that is why I think something could happen like the American Revolution today in our world.

  59. If I was Betsy Ross friend, we would work on the flag for George Washington together. We would take sewing classes together and she would teach me how to sew. She would also give me a part to play in the American Revolution like sewing and fixing up the patriots uniforms.

  60. I would like to hang out with george washington due to the fact that he was a great leader. Also,he was a very kind and thoughtful. Another reason why i would like to to spend a day with him is because he fought in the American Revolution. The most important reason i would like to spend a day with him is because he fought for our country!

  61. Yes another war would happened it would happen if most of the people disagree the Country be war if you split a pice of paper one side would.And the other side would disagree so there would be another war.

  62. I would have been friends with George Washington because we would have been friends and fought together. Also, because we could have been related and grown up together.

  63. If I was alive back then I would be friends with Sybil Ludington because she's brave enough to fight in the American Revalution War but she had to dress like a boy. Also her dad couldn't do the American Warnso he asked his daughter Aka Sybil ludington to do it for him and she said Yes, after that her dad said that she needs to dress like a boy to fight in the American War.

  64. Spencer Abramson ? #2
    If I was alive in the time of the American Revolution me and Samual Adams would friends because we both will fight for what we believe in and we are very persuasive. Also me and Sam Gallamore are best friends.

  65. Yes I would be his friend because he whould help me with yard work and with my kids and sick family members in return I would help with war and helping his wife with house work.

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    1. A war similar to the American Revolutionary War could happen any day in our life. In our country we have a president or the ruler. The president could change the way we live in many different ways. Nicky

  67. I would want to meet Thomas Jefferson because I would love to go to him personally and find information about his childhood and future.i know a lot about Thomas and I would want to know more about him and his past,present and what he's going to do in his future.thomas Jefferson has a lot of information about him and his past.mabye I could know more about his past,present and possibly his future.

  68. both because the revolution was based mostly on power and control and in later years wars have been started by powerful people who wanted more but on the other hand the persent of country's beening ruled by other countries is very slim.

  69. Yes it could've happened but it would've been harder to win. Because we have more technology and better technology. Plus we have Soucial media witch would make the war 10x worse.

  70. I think some thing like the amircan revolution would happen again because a lot of people in countries don't like each other.

  71. I would want to be friends with Thomas Jefferson because I would want to learn more about him and that he wrote the Declaration of Independence and I would want to know how he wrote it.

  72. In the American Revualotin I Would like to be friends with Sybil ludington because she was brave enough to dress up like a man to fight in the American Revalotion.She also so brave to at least fight because she was the only woman to fight in the American Revualotin .

  73. I would like to be friends with George Washington because he was the first president of America and he also chopped down his dad's cherry tree.

  74. I would be friends with George because he was in the American Revolution and he was the first President of the United states of America

  75. Skye : I'm answering question 1
    I think that something like the American Revolution is because there is a lot of people out there who maybe want revenge on us because there may have been a war that the United States could have won against them. Also, they could want war because they may have a religion that we don't believe in so they might want war because of that.

  76. I think that something like the American Revolution could happen again in our world today but not exactly like it because we have better technology than we did back then so it might not take as long as the Revolution.

  77. Yes I think something like American Revolution would not happen again because there is new land for colonists to go to because it is all claimed by other country's. Also, why would someone go to war with America any way.

  78. 1. I think that in the revolution war we were fiting for independents maybe we would be fintting for something else. Also,we have better weapons then back then.

  79. Brady Reed.

    Yes because someone who doesn't like America and which could cause a war and then turn into the American Revolution.
